Tsui Hark’s PEKING OPERA BLUES Screens February 13th at Webster University

Tsui Hark’s PEKING OPERA BLUES (1986) screens February 13th at Webster University’s Moore Auditorium(470 E Lockwood Ave). The film starts at 7pm. A Facebook invite for the screening can be found HERE

Described by the Village Voice as a movie that “out-Spielbergs Spielberg” and cited by Quentin Tarantino as one of the greatest films ever made, Tsui Hark’s Peking Opera Blues remains criminally underseen in the West. Set in 1920s Beijing and focusing on a trio of women prone to falling into adventure—chief among whom is General’s daughter Tsao Wan, played by Brigitte Lin of Chungking Express in one of her many cross-dressing roles.

In Cantonese with English subtitles.

Admission is:
$7 for the general public
$6 for seniors, Webster alumni and students from other schools
$5 for Webster University staff and faculty
Free for Webster students with proper I.D.