Jerzy Skolimowski’s THE SHOUT Screens November 2nd at Webster University

“Get out of here Anthony, or I’ll shout your bloody ears off!”

Director Jerzy Skolimowski’s THE SHOUT (1978) starring Alan Bates, Susannah York, and John Hurt screens Saturday, November 2nd at Webster University’s Moor Auditorium (470 E Lockwood Ave) at 7:30pm. A Facebook invite for the film can be found HERE

Esteemed film critic Dave Kehr once described The Shout as “a trance thriller that beats Peter Weir on his own turf.” This surrealist horror film, winner of the Grand Prix at Cannes upon its 1978 premiere, is told in flashback over the course of a cricket match taking place at a mental hospital. The narrator of these flashbacks is Charles Crossley (Alan Bates), previously a resident among Australian aborigines, who, alongside other skills, managed to pick up the ability to cut loose with a shout so extreme that it kills all who hear it. Co-starring Tim Curry, just three years after The Rocky Horror Picture Show, as Robert Graves, whose 1926 short story served as the source material for the film. Soundtrack by Mike Rutherford and Tony Banks of the prog rock band Genesis.

Admission is:
$7 for the general public
$6 for seniors, Webster alumni and students from other schools
$5 for Webster University staff and faculty
Free for Webster students with proper I.D.