Gosh! WAMG is Giving Away Two Tickets to Tenacious Eats NAPOLEON DYNAMITE ‘Movies For Foodies’ August 24th

” Tina, eat. Food. Eat the FOOD! “

Throw a pigskin a quarter mile then head to the Mad Art Gallery for wolverine-hunting Tenacious Eats style on Sat, August 24th! It’s another Tenacious Eats ‘Movies For Foodies’ Summer Film Series event! This time it’s the all-powerful cult classic NAPOLEON DYNAMITE (2004) starring John Heder and Jon Gries as ‘Uncle Rico’. A Facebook invite for this event can be found HERE. We Are Movie Geeks has two tickets to give away!
All you have to do is leave a message below letting us know who your favorite character in NAPOLEON DYNAMITE is! (mine is Uncle Rico) . It’s so easy!

Please contact Tenacious with any food restrictions and or dietary needs (such as milk from cows that have NOT wandered into an onion patch!)

This will be such a fun night!:
*Doors open at 5:00PM with a special movie themed Selfie Station, cash bar and multiple rounds of film and music trivia for tons of prizes and tickets to future Tenacious Eats Shows!
*Film begins at 6:00PM along with special Teats Treats! No dress code. Costumes always encouraged and rewarded!
*Film will be paused to introduce each course.
*Talent Skit Selfie Station!
*Visit from Napoleon and Pedro!

Tenacious Eats is…
Unexpected! Visceral! Titillating! Brought to you in High Definition Taste-O-Vision! (Special glasses, not required)

By integrating film and food, Movies for Foodies creates an original experience, a feast for the senses, an event that brings food and film, chefs and diners together.

Tenacious Eats only works with locally produced food procured by them and hard-to-find ingredients, imported from places that specialize in them. With each new film, we write a new menu specific to its story. Sometimes the menu is literal and sometimes it is inspired interpretation. In all cases, each dining experience is different because each film is different.

Jon Heder stars as the title character in Napoleon Dynamite. Napoleon is a high-school student in Preston, Idaho who always wears moon boots and likes to draw unicorns and other mythical creatures. He rides the bus to school and is a member of the “Happy Hands” (a sign-language group). His home-life is equally as strange. Napoleon lives with his Grandmother (Sandy Martin), who often leaves home to go on wild adventures, and his older brother, Kip (Aaron Ruell), who claims to be training to be a “cage fighter”, but actually spends most of his time in chat rooms. Things get even weirder when Napoleon’s Uncle Rico (John Gries), a self-involved man who lives in the past, comes to live with them. Meanwhile, Napoleon has befriended a new student named Pedro (Efren Ramirez), and the two of them scheme to get dates to the dance and win the school elections.