WAMG Interview: Meagan Good – Star of THE INTRUDER

In THE INTRUDER, a young married couple (Meagan Good and Michael Ealy) buy a beautiful house on several acres of land only to find out that the man they bought it from (Dennis Quaid) refuses to let go of the property.
THE INTRUDER opens everywhere May 3rd.
Co-star Meagan Good was in St. Louis recently promoting the film and took the time to sit down with We Are Movie Geeks and talk about THE INTRUDER, Dennis Quaid, and her favorite horror films..
Interview conducted by Tom Stockman April 23rd, 2019

Tom Stockman: Welcome to St. Louis. Have you been here before?
Meagan Good: Yes I have, I used to come here every year for Joe Torre‘s charity event
TS: I just interviewed your husband Devon Franklin about a month ago. He was here promoting BREAKTHROUGH and I got to hear them lead a prayer. He’s good at that.
MG: Yes, he is good at that!
TS: You two wrote a book about your marriage.
MG: Yes, we wrote a book about being celibate. It was called Waiting. He had been celibate for 11 years because he was preaching and I had been celibate for a year. People are always asking us about that so we wrote the book.

TS: Let’s talk about THE INTRUDER. You got to work with Dennis Quaid, who was pretty crazy in that movie.
MG: He was so crazy. I didn’t even get to see everything that he did until I watched the movie. When I was making the movie, I was thinking about my character Annie and how Annie would feel She’s responding to Charlie (Quiad’s character), but she’s obviously not seeing everything either. I’ve been a fan of Dennis Quaid since ENEMY MINE. When we got into it, it was fun because there was this one really intense physical scene between him and me. We were filming that scene and he said to me, discreetly, “spit on me”. I thought I had misunderstood him at first but then I heard the director, Deon Taylor in the other room yell “spit on him!”. I just spit on him a little bit but everyone told me to get a real big one going. It was just so fun because he was so into it and nothing was off-limits. He literally just went for anything and everything. There are good villains and there are incredible villains like him.
TS: What about when the cameras stopped? Did he stay in character?
MG: Actually, only for the end of the movie. He was a little intense for some of the movie, but sometimes when the camera would stop he would go off in the corner and practice his golf swing.
TS: He seem like he was having fun. Even when he was crazy, he seemed like he was about to laugh. So maniacal He could’ve gone over the top and made it ridiculous, but he kept it right there at the edge.
MG: Yes, he was always in a steady space that felt so intense. I do think he did have a lot of fun with the role.

TS: You do a lot of physical work in THE INTRUDER. Was there a stunt woman used in some of those scenes?
MG: No, there was a stunt person there but I really wanted to do the scenes myself. Action is what I want to do.
TS: Do you like horror films?
MG: I do. My all-time favorite horror movie is HALLOWEEN 5. That and HALLOWEEN 4 were my favorite movies when I was a kid because that little girl played by Danielle Harris in the films was just a year older than me. She’s one of the main reasons that I became an actress I’d watch those movies and watch everything she would do then I would do things like throw myself down the staircase and pretend to knock myself out in front of my mom’s friends, and they would believe me because I got so good at it I’d crawl under the table like my leg was broken and Michael Meyers was trying to kill me. When my mother wondered what I was doing, I told her I was practicing my acting But that’s one of my favorite genres, horror and thrillers. I think people look down on those genres but I think it’s great acting out the craziest feelings you can have in life, which is trying to survive. There’s no more heightened feeling in life than that

TS: And you were in one of the greatest comedies of all times, FRIDAY. Do you get recognized for that role?
MG: Oh yes, I still get recognized for that. I get teased for that. I was 13 when I played that role.
TS: You worked with Michael Ealy before. Did that make it easier to act out those love scenes in THE INTRUDER ?
MG: Yes, but the most time that Michael and I had ever spent together before we started making this film was doing press for THINK LIKE A MAN. But in that film and it’s sequel, we had almost no scenes together. So the love scenes in THE INTRUDER we’re still a very new experience for us . It was a bit awkward. I felt like a 10-year-old, but we got through it

TS: Was the house where you filmed THE INTRUDER the same for the interiors and exteriors?
MG: Yes, which is unusual. It was a beautiful house but there was but this one room, they called the prayer room, where it felt like there was a spirit inside. I felt like that one room was haunted But we were living there, with all of the mosquitoes for the six-week shoot.
TS: You have a new movie coming out soon called MONSTER HUNTER.
MG: Yes, it’s based on a video game. Apparently it’s a very popular game but I had never heard of it until we started filming. It’s with myself and Milla Jovovich and Diego Boneta I play a Sergeant in that film. It’s going to be great, lots of fun action I’ve never been that dirty in my life for such a long period. We shot in South Africa and lived in the desert in tents with huge spiders and snakes. It was a very unique experience
TS: Good luck with THE INTRUDER and I hope you enjoy your stay in St. Louis.
MG: Thank you.