Pokémon Detective Pikachu – St. Louis Scavenger Hunt!
(L-R) Charizard and Detective Pikachu (RYAN REYNOLDS) in Legendary Pictures’ and Warner Bros. Pictures’ comedy adventure “POKÉMON DETECTIVE PIKACHU,” a Warner Bros. Pictures release. © 2019 WARNER BROS. ENTERTAINMENT INC. AND LEGENDARY. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
A young man joins forces with Detective Pikachu to unravel the mystery behind his father’s disappearance.
But what’s a detective without his detectives HAT? Pikachu lost his hat and needs your help to find it!
For your chance to win tickets to Pokémon Detective Pikachu and a chance to win a Pokémon Detective Pikachu Backpack:
Find at least 3 of the 5 hats hidden around the St. Louis Area!
Find them, take selfies at each and then post all to social media with
#DetectivePikachu #STL!
Here’s 5 clues to get you going!
Hat 1 : Clue 1 : This Novel and Neighborly place might have the Detective’s hat.
Hat 2 : Clue 2 : This location is in a Sweet place where the Dogs rule the Town.
Hat 3 : Clue 3 : Detective Pikachu jumped on this Wagon to avoid a trolley.
Hat 4 : Clue 4 : Traveling the avenues, maybe wish upon a Star to find the hat.
Hat 5 : Clue 5 : Our heroes may have visited this Grand comic location on the South Side.
Winners will be chosen at random from the postings. The deadline for the contest as 9pm, 5/5. Remember to post Publicly so we can’t find your entries.