Long Live the New Flesh! VIDEODROME Screening at Webster University April 11th – ‘Grave Tales’

“The television screen is the retina of the mind’s eye.”

The ‘Grave Tales’ Horror film series continues at Webster University Thursday April 11th with a screening of David Cronenberg’s VIDEODROME. The screening will be at Webster University’s Moore Auditorium (470 East Lockwood). The movie starts at 7:00 and a Facebook invite for the event can be found HERE.

Have you ever woken up in front of the TV and found yourself watching some really bizzare show? Take that premise a few steps further and you end up in David Cronenberg’s 1983 shocker VIDEODROME. A strong statement about the influence of mass media on human conscience, VIDEODROME is one of the weirdest films ever made, even by Cronenberg standards. And although its outdated gore effects may seem a bit cheesy today, the underlying message Cronenberg wanted to convey through its over-the-top depiction of violence and gore hasn’t aged one bit.

The film tells the story of Max Renn; the CEO of a small television station who, while searching for a better content for his channel through pirate satellite dish comes across Videodrome; a broadcast signal depicting brutal torture & murder, which intrigues him and he bets on it as the next big thing. But while trying to uncover the signal’s source, Renn’s life slowly starts spinning out of control in a very bizarre manner. There is a great deal of social commentary in VIDEODROME criticizing the gruesome effects mass media can have on society. The body horror depiction carries the Cronenberg trademark and the performance by James Woods stands tall amongst the cast with fine contributions from Sonja Smits and a young and thin Deborah Harry.

Now you can relive the new flesh when VIDEODROME plays on the big screen this Thursday night at Webster University!
Admission is:
$7 for the general public
$6 for seniors, Webster alumni and students from other schools
$5 for Webster University staff and faculty
Free for Webster students with proper I.D.