Ann Sheridan and Dennis Morgan in WINGS FOR THE EAGLE (1942) Now Available on DVD From Warner Archives
Exciting news for fans of old WWII movies! Ann Sheridan and Dennis Morgan in WINGS FOR THE EAGLE (1942) is now available on DVD from Warner Archives. Ordering information can be found HERE
Draft dodger Corky Jones (Dennis Morgan) lands a job at the Lockheed aircraft plant in Burbank, California. Needing a place to stay, Corky moves in with his old pal Brad (Jack Carson) and his wife Roma (Ann Sheridan) to Brad’s delight and Roma’s chagrin. Things flare up between the pals when Roma’s chagrin turns to something more and Corky moves out of his now jealous pal’s place. Complications increase after Roma leaves Brad and all three end up working at the plant. Patriotism trumps passions when Pearl Harbor is attacked, and Corky learns a lesson in duty and sacrifice from an immigrant father (George Tobias) and son (Russell Arms) he works with. Dodging the draft no longer, Corky enlists while committing to two missions – one he needs to accomplish before the shipping out, and the other high in the air. Wings for the Eagle marked the first screen pairing of frequent Warner Bros. co-stars Dennis Morgan and Jack Carson.