DAREDEVIL Season 3 Trailer: Devil May Care
By Marc Butterfield
Blinded as a young boy but imbued with extraordinary senses, Matt Murdock (Charlie Cox) fights against injustice by day as a lawyer, and by night as the Super Hero “Daredevil” in modern day Hell’s Kitchen, New York City.
Season 3 of Marvel’s Daredevil debuts exclusively on Netflix October 19th, 2018.
So the Daredevil Season 3 trailer finally dropped on Netflix. If you’ve seen seasons I and II (and that means you have incredible taste and love great story, nuance, and impeccably choreographed ass-beatings) then you know that this series excels in deep angst. Lots of it. From the very beginning of season 1 though, we got action, story, blood, gore and some truly stunning violence. It was the darkest and grittiest entry into the super hero genre yet, bar none. (that is, of course, until they released “The Punisher” series.) From that point on, we got exactly the Daredevil from Netflix that we fans had always wanted. Matt Murdock and his crew of supporting characters, each of them now written to be not just interesting, but really relevant to the story arc and developing Matt’s character. Pack in the extras like Elektra and Frank, and combining him with The Defenders as a reluctant senior hero, and you had a real winning property. Judging from the season 3 preview that we got today, and it looks like the best is yet to come. Kingpin is back. Played by Vincent D’Onofrio so charmingly, so brutally, yet with such a vulnerable side that you almost feel sorry for him. That is, of course, until he beats a man to death or orders the execution of some innocent bystander. And this time he appears to be going all out for DD, bringing in a ringer (the jury is out as to whether it’s Taskmaster or Bullseye), and wants not to just physically hurt the hero Daredevil, but to destroy his reputation and end his legacy forever. When the reveal as to who the new season bad guy would be is made, we see Wilson Fiske ready to make a deal to get out of prison, sounding remorseful, telling us how he wants to contribute to society again, how he regrets his past…and then we see Foggy Nelson, Matt Murdock’s partner and part of the team who helped take down the Kingpin see the headlines on his smartphone that Fiske will be released. Foggy is horrified, and probably terrified as well. And this whole time, we see Matt dressed in his Season 1 black sweats and mask, confessing in church about his motivations, threaded with shots of him fighting a barrage of thugs throughout the city.
It’s clear that the drama meter is cranked up to about 11 for this third season, and that the danger isn’t going to be just on Matt, but on Foggy, Karen, and most likely, anyone in Hell’s Kitchen that gets in Fiske’s way. There was no sign of Elektra (who seemingly died at the ending of season 1 of The Defenders…and only for the second time in 2 seasons of appearances). Or Frank (The Punisher) who now has his own problems. No, it looks like Daredevil is on his own this time, facing down a foe that wants his complete and total destruction, and possibly the destruction of all of Hell’s Kitchens’ best citizens.
Good Luck, Matt
Watch Marvel’s Daredevil on Netflix.
Photo credit: David Lee/Netflix