Rosamund Pike Stars As War Correspondent Marie Colvin In A PRIVATE WAR
Academy Award nominee Rosamund Pike has played a Bond Girl in DIE ANOTHER DAY, opposite Carey Mulligan in AN EDUCATION, a warrior in CLASH OF THE TITANS, Simon Pegg’s girlfriend in AT WORLD’S END, Ruth Williams in Amma Asante’s excellent A UNITED KINGDOM, and garnered her first Oscar nomination, playing opposite Ben Affleck in David Fincher’s GONE GIRL.
Her latest parts have included 7 DAYS IN ENTEBBE, BEIRUT and 2017’s HOSTILES. Pike’s on-screen presence is very reminiscent of actress Katharine Hepburn, as well as adding gravitas to any movie she stars in.
The talented and affable actress now take on the role Marie Colvin, one of the most celebrated war correspondents of our time.
Check out the first trailer below.
Colvin is an utterly fearless and rebellious spirit, driven to the frontlines of conflicts across the globe to give voice to the voiceless, while constantly testing the limits between bravery and bravado. After being hit by a grenade in Sri Lanka, she wears a distinctive eye patch and is still as comfortable sipping martinis with London’s elite as she is confronting dictators. Colvin sacrifices loving relationships, and over time, her personal life starts to unravel as the trauma she’s witnessed takes its toll. Yet, her mission to show the true cost of war leads her — along with renowned war photographer Paul Conroy (Jamie Dornan) — to embark on the most dangerous assignment of their lives in the besieged Syrian city of Homs.
Based on the extraordinary life of Marie Colvin, A PRIVATE WAR is brought to the screen by Academy Award nominee and critically acclaimed documentary filmmaker Matthew Heineman in his pulse-pounding narrative feature debut.
With this type of strong role, combined with an end-of-year release, Pike could possibly see her second Oscar nomination from Academy voters.
A PRIVATE WAR opens in LOS ANGELES & NEW YORK on November 2 and goes wide November 16.
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