
Leonard Nimoy Tribute – Tribbles Double Feature at Schlafly Bottleworks May 6th – We Are Movie Geeks


Leonard Nimoy Tribute – Tribbles Double Feature at Schlafly Bottleworks May 6th

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“Most curious creature, Captain. Its trilling seems to have a tranquilizing effect on the human nervous system.”

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The Star Trek episodes The Trouble with Tribbles  and Trials and Tribble-ations both screen at Schalfly Bottleworks in Maplewood Wednesday May 6th beginning at 8pm

You never know what’s brewing at Webster University’s Strange Brew cult film series. It’s always the first Wednesday evening of every month, and they always come up with some cult classic to show while enjoying some good food and great suds. The fun happens at Schlafly Bottleworks Restaurant and Bar in Maplewood (7260 Southwest Ave.- at Manchester – Maplewood, MO 63143).

It’s a tribute to the late Leonard Nimoy at this month’s Strange Brew Film Series. One of the most popular and deservedly so episodes of Star Trek prime is The Trouble with Tribbles (Season 2, Episode 15 – but you knew that!). A rather self-important diplomat played by William Schallert sends the starship Enterprise on a mission to a space station commanded by Whit Bissell. He has a priority distress call sent because he has a grain shipment to deliver to a disputed planet. An itinerant trader played by Stanley Adams is also there and among the items for sale are a specifies of peaceful little furry creatures called Tribbles. The one that Nichelle Nichols buys however starts to multiply, and MULTIPLY. Seems that Tribbles make rabbits behave like Trappist Monks. Pretty soon the Enterprise is overrun with them as well as the space station. But curiously enough they prove to be invaluable at uncovering a dastardly Klingon plot. Seems as though they’re allergic to Klingons and that raises them up somewhat in the eyes of James T. Kirk and it’s up to Jimmy Doohan to find a solution to the Tribble problem. The Trouble with Tribbles was an entertaining Star Trek episode and a departure from all things serious.

Trials and Tribble-ations is a 1996 episode of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine written as a tribute to the original series of Star Trek, in the 30th anniversary year of the show.

Don’t miss both of these Star Trek episodes when they screen at Schlafly Bottleworks Wednesday, May 6th  at Schlafly Bottleworks Restaurant and Bar in Maplewood (7260 Southwest Ave.- at Manchester – Maplewood, MO 63143). The show starts at 8pm and admission is $5. A yummy variety of food from Schlafly’s kitchen is available as are plenty of pints of their famous home-brewed beer.