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Spin the Wheel of Fish Midnights This Weekend at The Moolah – UHF
“Hello, this is Sy Greenblum, president of Spatula City. I like the spatulas so much, I bought the company!”
UHF screens midnights this weekend at the Moolah Theater and Lounge.
A movie where Weird Al Yankovic is the star? Yeah, that’s what happened in the ‘80s and we’re all the better for it! I showed UHF to my kids over the summer after not having seen it myself in decades. It holds up (I had totally forgotten about that Emo Phillips guy – whatever happened to him?). Just about everything in UHF is stupid and hilarious at the same time. Yankovic is terrific, his starring debut (and only lead role), and shows a natural knack for a wide range of comedy that he should really have brought to the big screen more often (it’s not too late Al!). UHF is ripe with hysterical parodies, classic lines (“You get to drink from… the FIREHOSE!”), and great visuals (Michael Richards pulls a foot-long booger from his nose and Yankovic is flattened into a pancake during a RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK parody). All the humor is so completely retarded, like the sight of Conan the Librarian chopping an overdue-book holder in half, you may have to watch it twice to fully appreciate.
Now you’ll have the opportunity to watch it twice when UHF, to celebrate the 25th anniversary of its release, plays on the big screen midnights this weekend (September 19th and 20th) at the Moolah Theater and Lounge. The Moolah has all of those comfy couches, so even if you’re too tired at midnight, there’s no excuse.
Admission is just $5, there will be trivia, drink specials, Twinkie Wiener sandwiches, and a Hawaiian shirt contest! The Moolah is located at 3821 Lindell Blvd, St Louis, MO 63108
Their site can be found HERE