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THE BISHOP’S WIFE – This Saturday at the Hi-Pointe – Classic Christmas Film Series
“The only people who grow old were born old to begin with.”
THE BISHOP’S WIFE (1947) is about an Angel called Dudley, yes, just Dudley played by Cary Grant. This Angel comes to Earth to answer a prayer of guidance for Henry (David Niven). Henry wants to build a large and great edifice for God. Henry is married to Julia (Loretta Young) a woman that places a poor second to the new building in the “mind” of Henry. Oh, how she wishes that things were like it used to be when Henry was just the Reverend of a small Parish. When Henry would take her to the restaurant called “Michelle’s.” But now that Henry has become a Bishop, poor Julia gets more attention from the family dog. It will be a tough job for Dudley. Henry only sees a building but Dudley sees a family in crisis. One problem develops, Dudley begins to fall in love with the human Julia, and begins to use his power to distract Henry. They go to Michelle’s, then ice skating and even playing with snowballs which become heavenly events for Julia and Dudley. But is this possible, an Angel with a human? THE BISHOP’S WIFE is heartwarming story filled with comedy, drama and wonderful characters and you’ll have the chance to see it on the big screen when it plays this Saturday morning (December 7th) at St. Louis’ fabulous Hi-Pointe Theater as part of their Classic Christmas Film Series. The show starts at 10:30am at the Hi-Pointe located at 1005 McCausland Ave., St. Louis, MO 63117.
Movies like THE BISHOP’S WIFE have the potential to be sickeningly sweet, but this one accomplishes two things very well; it makes the conflicts real and touching, and it treats the magic with a deft touch, much of this due to Grant’s performance, which is warm and effortlessly comic . Amazingly, the movie was originally cast with the roles of Grant and David Niven reversed, which seems unthinkable watching the movie now. Loretta Young is lovely here, and all the performances shine, including smaller roles by Gladys Cooper, Monty Woolley, Elsa Lanchester , and James Gleason. Don’t miss THE BISHOP’S WIFE!
….and don’t miss IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE when it plays at the Hi-Pointe December 14th or WHITE CHRISTMAS when it plays December 21st. Details on those films to come here at WAMG!
The Hi-Pointe’s website is HERE
and check out the trailer for THE BISHOP’S WIFE: