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Review by Dana Jung
Didier and Elise are free spirits who discover they have something more in common. Didier is a gentleman farmer, something of a loner, who loves all things America, especially country and bluegrass music. Elise runs a tattoo parlor and expresses herself through her beautiful body art. Together, they begin a journey full of laughter, love, and tragedy. Did I mention they’re in Belgium?
THE BROKEN CIRCLE BREAKDOWN is certainly one of the more unique dramas around. With its realistic documentary-like cinematography, lovely bluegrass musical score, and non-linear storytelling, BREAKDOWN evokes a truly memorable movie-going experience, as if Tarantino had directed TERMS OF ENDEARMENT. Director Felix Van Groeningen uses handheld cameras and a wonderful editing style to interpose scenes of Didier and Elise’s idyllic early relationship with the later times of turmoil and sadness. For example, a sequence shows Didier building a house for his expectant wife, then cuts to the hospital room years later where their child lies dying of cancer. The time-shifting format works not only to tell the tale in an unconventional way, but also gives the film more balance so that the generally depressing plot is livened with humor and music. Did I mention the bluegrass music?
It seems almost absurdly incongruous to discuss country bluegrass music in a Belgian film about the tragic loss of a child, but the score (including many standards) sets the tone of the film so perfectly in so many scenes, it’s almost uncanny. Much country music—especially bluegrass—has an innately sad and melancholy texture to it that oddly enough fits the subject matter of this movie flawlessly. Even more incredible is that the cast—Johan Heldenbergh (who also co-wrote the original play) and Veerle Baetens as Didier and Elise—do all their own singing, and do it spectacularly.
BREAKDOWN is not a perfect film; some scenes that introduce themes of the politics of medical research and the role religion plays in life, seem unnecessary and out-of-place. Especially disturbing is a long rant by Didier that vents all his pent-up frustration and cynicism upon an unsuspecting audience at a concert. And occasionally the overwhelming sadness of if all nearly makes the movie unbearable to watch. But at its heart, BREAKDOWN is a consummate tearjerker about two people who are so perfect for each other, yet cannot prevent spiraling apart because they don’t know how to help each other deal with loss. There are lessons here to be learned by those wise enough to see them, because there are as many twists and turns in life as there are stars in the sky, and it falls on each of us to decide how to navigate through to the end.
THE BROKEN CIRCLE BREAKDOWN screens at 6:45 Wednesday, November 20th at The Tivoli Theater as part of The St. Louis International Film Festival
For ticket information, visit Cinema St. Louis’ site HERE