Watch A New Clip From INDIANA JONES: THE COMPLETE ADVENTURES – On Blu-Ray™ Sept. 18, 2012
Every unforgettable exploit of world-renowned, globetrotting hero Indiana Jones finally comes home with pristine picture and sound when INDIANA JONES: The Complete Adventures debuts on Blu-Ray September 18, 2012 from Lucasfilm Ltd. and Paramount Home Media Distribution. Awesome, right? Watch this special clip from Indiana Jones: The Complete Adventures’ behind-the-scenes documentary. It is an alternate version of a very iconic scene that never made it into the final version.
The ultimate adventure collection debuts on Blu-Ray™ with seven hours of bonus features including nearly an hour of previously unreleased behind-the-scenes footage. The cinematic classic that started it all—Raiders of the Lost Ark—has been meticulously restored under the supervision of director Steven Spielberg and sound designer Ben Burtt. Additionally, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom and Indiana Jones and the Last Crusadehave both been remastered alongside 2008’s Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull making this landmark release the first time all four films in the epic and award-winning franchise have been available together in sparkling high definition.
Director Steven Spielberg and Executive Producer George Lucas’ RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK™ is currently playing in select IMAX theaters for a one-week engagement that began September 7th and WILL END September 14th.
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