
YOUR SISTER’S SISTER – The Review – We Are Movie Geeks



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Here’s a flick that’s almost the definition of  ‘ indie’ film. It’s mostly improvised, shot in real locations, and concentrates on a very small cast. After the opening party scene, it’s just three actors, really. But what a terrific trio. They make this intimate, little character study more entertaining and interesting than many of this summer’s mega budget, 3D, CGI noise fests. YOUR SISTER’S SISTER is also the definition of ” a pleasant surprise “.

The film does open up with the previously mentioned party scene. To be specific, it’s kind of a wake. Several friends have gathered to remember their dear friend Tom, who left this world one year ago. Everyone is sharing pleasant memories of Tom…except his brother Jack ( Mark Duplass ). After Jack’s buzz killing tale, he’s taken aside by his best pal, Iris ( Emily Blunt ). She wants to get him out of his funk since Jack’s been out of work for a while. She suggests he stay at her family’s empty beach side home nestled on one of Washington state’s islands. He takes her up on the offer. He jumps on his old red bicycle and takes the ferry to the remote island. But it turns out that the home is not empty. Jack surprises Iris’s sister Hannah ( Rosemary DeWitt ), who’s getting away from it all after a breakup with her longtime girlfriend Pam. But, sure,  Jack can still stay. Over the next few days another unexpected visitor arrives, many home cooked meals are eaten, several potables are imbibed, deceptions are hatched, secrets are revealed. laughter is shared, and tears are shed. This is certainly not the getaway any of them were expecting.

And that’s pretty much the film in a nutshell. To say any more would spoil the sense of discovery. Director Lynn Shelton gives each of these fine actors a chance to really get inside these characters. We’re never aware of any camera stunts, it’s just capturing their gifts. I was only aware of DeWitt from her stint on TV’s ” Mad Men “, so I was delighted with her performance as this walking wounded soldier in the battlefield of love. She’s brittle, a bit sarcastic, but slowly gets out from under her dark cloud. Kudos to Blunt for joining this company. She chose to challenge herself artistically rather than jumping into a big studio flick, although she’s awfully in them . Her charm elevates movies like THE ADJUSTMENT BUREAU and THE 5 YEAR ENGAGEMENT. Blunt’s Iris tries to shine some sun on her sister and her pal. Speaking of Jack, this is the fourth film I’ve seen Duplass in this year ( he’s like a male Jessica Chastain ), and this is nearly his best ( the eccentric wannabe time-traveler in SAFETY NOT GUARANTEED just edges this out ). After making a name for himself behind the camera, Duplass is one of the most interesting new actors. He brings much-needed warmth to this surly, exasperating nudge. Pair this trio with the gorgeous Pacific Northwest scenery, and you’ve got a little film that’s worth the search. Escape the sweltering temps and spend some time on that rainy little island with these three romantic misfits.

Overall Rating: 4.5 Out of 5 Stars

YOUR SISTER’S SISTER screens exclusively in St. Louis at Landmark Theatres’ Plaza Frontenac Cinema

Jim Batts was a contestant on the movie edition of TV's "Who Wants to be a Millionaire" in 2009 and has been a member of the St. Louis Film Critics organization since 2013.