
Tribeca 2012 Review: JACKPOT – We Are Movie Geeks


Tribeca 2012 Review: JACKPOT

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Oscar Svendsen (Kyrre Hellum) wakes up in a seedy strip club, underneath the body of a dead oversized stripper, and surrounded by cops. What follows is the story of how he got there told mostly through flashbacks while being investigated by a very thorough and incredibly compelling detective (Henrik Mestad). This is a tale of lottery, greed, corruption and fake recycled Christmas trees.

JACKPOT is bloody good fun, pure and simple. It is a pitch black Norwegian comedy that tosses around clever dialogue and dead bodies with glee. The structure is similar to films like THE USUAL SUSPECTS and there are familiar elements throughout, although it all still feels fresh and fun. Jo Nesbo’s writing is sharp and each character is a good mix of quirky and dangerous. Director Magnus Martens handles the material quite well and strikes a good balance of comedy, blood splatter and intrigue. There are some really great visual gags including some set up early that lead to fine payoffs later on. I’d rather not spoil any of them but my favorite is on display at the very end of the trailer below if you are curious. Personally, I suggest only watching the trailer up to the title card if even that far.

If this sounds at all like a film you want to see, I highly recommend seeking it out rather than wait for the (most likely) inferior American remake, which is always a strong possibility with films like this.

Jerry Cavallaro –

Born with a camera in hand, Jerry Cavallaro was destined to be a great filmmaker. Legend has it that he even filmed his own birth. He later went on to film the indie rom-com STUCK LIKE CHUCK, which is now available to watch for free on Amazon. Jerry brings his passion for movies, both behind the camera and in front of the screen, to every piece he writes for this site.