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As a fan of the Twilight series books, THE TWILIGHT SAGA: BREAKING DAWN – PART 1 was enjoyable, yet awful! Confused? It’s ok… You’re old pal Melissa will explain.
In THE TWILIGHT SAGA: BREAKING DAWN – PART 1 Bella (Kristen Stewart) and Edward (Robert Pattinson) are walking down the aisle to solidify their love. On their honeymoon, which is quite the real honeymoon, Bella becomes pregnant, which they did not think possible with Edward being immortal and all. Now, with an unknown fetus sucking the life out of Bella, and the Quileute tribe plotting to destroy Bella and the foreign life inside of her, Edward and Jacob Taylor Lautner must team up to save Bella once again. Edward, trying to convince Bella to get rid of the life that might destroy her, and Jacob, rebelling against his tribe to save the girl he will never fully have.
As much as I love the story, and for the most part I enjoyed the movie (on a superficial, girly, I can’t believe I fall for this crap level), it was horrible at parts. Is it just me, or was the acting even worse than the other three films… especially Ashley Greene as Alice. She just didn’t seem to fit, and was overacting when others weren’t. It was very strange to watch. Also, there are a couple of really goofy camera angles at the beginning that reminded me of a student film project rather than a major Hollywood film, and not in a good way.
I have made no secret that I think that when the Quileute turn into their wolf state, that it looks awful. This time, they took it one step further by letting us actually hear the dialog between them as they spoke to one another in wolf form. This was, by far, the worst part of the film. I can’t even begin to tell you how absolutely awful it was!!! Fake, tacky CGI wolves speaking to each other in horrible voice over… UGH! At least the wigs were better this time around.
Now that we have started with the bad news, let’s move on to the positive portion of my review. If you are a sucker (no pun intended) like I am for old school romance, you will still enjoy this film. There is something about the way that Edward loves Bella that is classic and timeless. He’s not texting her to ask her out, or meeting her up at a bar and calling it a date… he is a gentleman. That is few and far between these days.
Kristen Stewart actually impressed me this time. She seemed a bit off as Bella in the past few films, but this one… she really fell into character and I was impressed. Robert Pattinson plays Edward the same as he always has, and he really does it well. Taylor Lautner has gotten better as Jacob, and is really growing as an actor. Having said that, I am kind of getting sick of his emo moments where he gets upset and storms off. It’s not SHOWGIRLS people!
They ended PART 1 right where I thought they would. This story concentrates on the marriage and birth of their baby. For those of you that have read the books, you know what is in store for PART 2, and ending this one where they did leaves plenty of room to concentrate on the final parts of the last book. It was a wise decision.
THE TWILIGHT SAGA: BREAKING DAWN -PART 1 will leave fans of the films and books happy. If you are not a fan then I am sorry, you will most likely not enjoy this!
OVERALL RATING: 3.5 out of 5 stars
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BREAKING DAWN – PART 2 will be in theaters on November 16, 2012.