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Top Ten Tuesday: RISE OF THE PLANET OF THE APES Fashion Statements
With RISE OF THE PLANET OF THE APES opening on Friday, August 5th, this week’s Top 10 Tuesday is not one dedicated to the ape characters or iconic lines, but the various POTA fashion statements. We’re almost sure that’s what Pierre Boulle was envisioning when writing his 1963 novel. “What would the humans and simians be wearing when my book is made into a film?” Yep, this week is all about the apes franchise costumes and red-carpet “who are you wearing?”
Our honorable mention goes out to the Simpsons’ razzle-dazzle, Broadway version of PLANET OF THE APES and the showstopping number, “Dr. Zaius.”
So on with the 10…
10. Spacesuits
The original and the 2001 remake had both astronauts dressed in the typical white suits that would make designer Tom Ford proud.
9. Helmets
What self respecting gorilla doesn’t leave the house without sporting a helmet? A must have for any gorilla in the wild searching for humans.
8. Bikinis
Nova and Daena in these pretty, prehistoric bathing suits. Very trendy for the “never trust anyone under 30” set.
7. Hair Do’s
Both apes wearing bobbed do’s and smartly dressed from the “women of power” collection. Somewhere Donna Karan is smiling.
6. Hipsters and Sideburns
Very “Tommy Hilfiger” for every season, the chimpanzees come off looking effortless in these sturdy styles that are perfect for young and old alike.
5. Elder Statesmen
Nothing makes an orangutan more dapper than a long vest coat. Goes right along with Calvin Klein’s unwavering vision of minimal designs and wearable urban styles.
4. The Real Kings of the Jungle
It’s all about the hair. Looking ever so quaffed, the gorillas are known to go heavy on the hair spray with just a light touch of mousse.
3. Mutants
Talk about needing a makeover. The high necked collars are a big plus for all apocalyptic mutants.
2. Man – or Ape – About Town
Dressed in the executive line from Brooks Brothers, all Cornelius needs are the preppy, Argyle socks to come into focus.
1. Rag Clothing
Always classic. Always vintage. When you’re being held in captivity, the only way to go are with these rags – smartly worn by Charlton Heston’s “Taylor” in PLANET OF THE APES. So reminiscent of the quintessential American designer Ralph Lauren.
So that’s it – any fashion faux pas we missed? Let us know below, but be nice.
Hey wait…we’re not finished!
Check out this real apes and Rise of the Apes Mashup…with a kickass song from Wolfmother!
Starring James Franco, Freida Pinto, John Lithgow, Brian Cox, Tom Felton, and Andy Serkis, director Rupert Wyatt’s, RISE OF THE PLANET OF THE APES opens in the U.S. on August 5, 2011 and in the U.K. August 11, 2011.
RISE OF THE PLANET OF THE APES Official Site: http://www.apeswillrise.com/
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