Film Festivals
Tribeca 2011 Daily Recap: April 29th
For anyone that follows me on Twitter (@GetStuck), you know that I made a major error this morning. My final screening of the festival was going to be the 2 pm press screening of THE BLEEDING HOUSE. The only problem is that screening was actually at 12pm. Luckily I realized my error before I made the 90-minute commute to the festival. Since that was my only screening for the day and I had no interviews scheduled, I declared Thursday my last day actually at the festival. A few hours later, I was back on the bus to the city anyway.
I received an invite to the JANIE JONES after party and knew it would be fun to attend. Since I arrived at the festival about 45 minutes early, I decided to take one last walk around the Chelsea Theater, which is where I spent most of my Tribeca Film Festival experience. I walked around looking for more promo materials and didn’t find anything new. I mentioned it in a previous post but I am extremely disappointed in how filmmakers represented themselves and their films at this festival. I also thought I’d pick up a Tribeca Film Festival shirt that has been tempting me the entire festival. Then I saw the price and decided I already have plenty of shirts from smaller film festivals that I’d rather support anyway.
On my way out the door, I ran into the beautiful and talented Maria Rusolo. She is a NY based actress/producer that I am friends with and we have been trying to meet up the entire festival. It turns out we were in the same theater at least once and completely missed each other. We talked a little about the festival before I made my way over to the JANIE JONES party.
Rather than load this recap with photos, I created a separate post for the JANIE JONES party that you can view right HERE. The party turned out to be my final event of the festival and it was a perfect way to end it. While I am finished with the festival, my coverage will continue into next week. I have reviews to catch up on, as well as interviews to post. Be sure to keep an eye out for my continuing coverage and thank you for reading my daily updates on my festival experience.
Jerry Cavallaro –