
New PROM Images and Character Descriptions – We Are Movie Geeks

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New PROM Images and Character Descriptions

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Prom is such a magical time… You get to dress up, hang out with friends, and hope that they boy/girl of your dreams will dance with you! I might kind of remember dancing with the boy I was crushing on at a school dance… I might be able to tell you what we were both wearing, and we might have danced to Bryan Adams (Everything I Do) I Do It For You.

Might… Have… Sigh…

Anyway, on with the show! Here are some brand new stills from the upcoming DISNEY film PROM

Have another look at the new trailer for Disney PROM!


At PROM, every couple has a story and no two are exactly alike. Several intersecting stories unfold at one high school as the big dance approaches; PROM portrays the precarious passage from high school to independence as some relationships unravel and others ignite. For Nova Prescott (Aimee Teegarden), it’s a battle of wills as she finds herself drawn to the guy (Thomas McDonell) who gets in the way of her perfect prom. Fellow seniors Mei (Yin Chang) and Tyler (De’Vaughn Nixon) harbor secrets, while others face all the insecurity and anticipation that surrounds one of high school’s most seminal events. There are hundreds of nights in high school, but there’s only one PROM.

Still want more? Here are some more images AND character descriptions!

Corey Doyle (CAMERON MONAGHAN) Music Geek

For Corey, life is all about friendship. And that’s not a bad thing. Lost in a world of music, he isn’t growing up as fast as best friend Lucas and is not ready yet for the real world that awaits after graduation…but that doesn’t stop him from trying to help Lucas get the girl of his dreams.

Lloyd Taylor (NICHOLAS BRAUN) The Reluctant Romantic

Lloyd, who? You go to Brookside?  Yes…Lloyd is that kid you see at graduation and realize you never talked to in all of your four years. A comedic character, Lloyd is looking hard for a prom date after he realizes he’s never asked a girl to do…well, anything…and now high school is coming to an end. Motivated by the fact that his time is running out and he’s left no legacy, he turns into an unstoppable romantic with a repertoire of funny antics. Putting all his game into play for an all-out prom-date blitz, Lloyd hopes to wind up with a girl…any girl.

Jesse Richter (THOMAS McDONELL) The Outsider

Jesse is fiercely independent and lives by his own rules. His hardened exterior and “bad-boy” persona give him a definite anti-establishment vibe. Working to help his mother support the family eats up his free time, so making friends and participating in high school activities—especially Prom—are way down on his list. Jesse is a teen trapped in an adult life—what or who will it take to bust him out?

Simone Daniels (DANIELLE CAMPBELL) The Fresh Face

Simone is the girl next door. Beautiful, friendly and accessible, Simone has no agenda—she is free-spirited and approaches life with an open innocence, appreciating the moment. Somehow this outwardly-and-inwardly beautiful girl has flown undetected under the teen-guy radar…until now.

Rolo (JOE ADLER) The Dude

Rolo is an effortlessly laid-back, often oblivious guy that doesn’t feel the need to prove himself to anybody. He promises to have a knockout date on Prom night, which sounds increasingly suspect as details about her are revealed…his friends wonder will he or won’t he have a mystery girlfriend on his arm come Prom night.

Disney also boasts that the film features an emerging ensemble cast consisting of Aimee Teegarden, Thomas McDonell, Danielle Campbell, Yin Chang, Kylie Bunbury, Nicholas Braun, Jared Kusnitz, Jonathan Keltz, De’Vaughn Nixon, Nolan Sotillo, Cameron Monaghan, Joe Adler, Janelle Ortiz, and Raini Rodriguez. Along with a powerful soundtrack, PROM arrives in theaters on April 29, 2011. Who are you going with?

Visit the film’s official website at Like the film on Facebook here and on Twitter here.

Lloyd Taylor  (NICHOLAS BRAUN) The Reluctant Romantic

Lloyd, who? You go to Brookside?  Yes…Lloyd is that kid you see at graduation and realize you never talked to in all of your four years. A comedic character, Lloyd is looking hard for a prom date after he realizes he’s never asked a girl to do…well, anything…and now high school is coming to an end. Motivated by the fact that his time is running out and he’s left no legacy, he turns into an unstoppable romantic with a repertoire of funny antics. Putting all his game into play for an all-out prom-date blitz, Lloyd hopes to wind up with a girl…any girl.

Ali Gomez (JANELLE ORTIZ) The Gossip

Nova’s gossip-hungry best friend is a buzzing ball of energy, sticking her nose into everybody else’s business, especially Rolo’s—she’s the most skeptical that his Greek-Canadian girlfriend actually exists.

Mei Kwan & Justin Wexler (YIN CHANG & JARED KUSNITZ) The Perfect Couple

Mei is a playfully artistic and stylish senior who has had a long, loving relationship with Justin—a sweet, smart guy who is an understanding, attentive and all-around great partner. They are the perfect couple for all the right reasons. Although Mei thrives on the security of her established relationship, a part of her yearns to experience what lies ahead and discover her own individuality. Their relationship is tested when a secret that could impact their future comes between them.

Lucas Arnaz (NOLAN SOTILLO) The Love-struck Sophomore

Sophomore Lucas is an indie rock geek just about to learn how to balance friendship with love. Lucas tries to stay connected with his best friend Corey while following his heart—which is headed straight for Simone. Lucas doggedly persists in his attempts to get Simone’s attention, often enlisting Corey’s help, but he lacks the inner confidence to express how he feels.

Brandon Roberts (JONATHAN KELTZ) The Perfect Guy
Ivy Leaguer-in-the-making Brandon is Nova’s picture-perfect guy. She believes she is destined to be with him—her parents think so too. But Brandon may not be the heartthrob Nova thinks he is…and thinks she wants.

Tyler Barso (DE’VAUGHN NIXON) Less Than Perfect Prom King

Tyler has it all going on and then some. He is the most popular guy at Brookside High—charismatic, good looking, captain of the Lacrosse team—adored by all. Alongside Jordan, he is one half of the picture-perfect high school couple…but looks can be deceiving.

Jordan Lundley (KYLIE BUNBURY ) Born to Be Prom Queen

Oh, to be Jordan…. the most popular girl in school! There’s no question she was born to be prom queen and wind up with the hottest guy in school…one look at her will tell you that.  But Jordan will soon find herself forced to go beyond her comfort zone and find out who she really is…and what she is really made of.

Nerdy, snarky horror lover with a campy undertone. Goonies never say die.