
Review: CANDY APPLE RED – We Are Movie Geeks

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Todd Norris certainly grabs the audiences attention in his new short film CANDY APPLE RED.

Emily (Sharon Wright) is a photographer with a keen eye, and a shy attitude. Her boyfriend Allen (Allen Lowman) seems to control their failing relationship and knocks Emily down, rather than building up her confidence. In other words, Allen is a dick! But then, Emily’s world gets turned upside-down when she meets Lisa (Lisa Marie Evans), a massage therapist. Lisa is definitelly the opposite of Emily: Outgoing, Confident, and Sexual. Emily must have seen something in her, because she agrees to take photos of Lisa… and things really change pace. Lisa awakens something in Emily that has been laying dormant, and opens the gates to a sexual awakening.

I have to say, this was one steamy short. Sharon Wright plays both the docile, shy woman and the sexually awakened siren with great ease. Her versatility is rather impressive! I can’t say too much about Lowman since he didn’t get a ton of screen time, but he definitely got the point across that he was playing an unlikeable character. Lisa Marie Evans played her flirty, confident role well. You could tell by her characters eyes that she was enamored by Emily. Wright and Evans have amazing chemistry together.

Watch the trailer here:

Candy Apple Red-Trailer (shot on GH1) from Todd Norris on Vimeo.

For such a short film, there is a lot of passion, emotion, and excitement packed in. The ending is certainly unexpected, but in an interesting way. It isn’t one of those movies that throws in a twist simply for the sake of throwing one in. This one made sense, and added to the story as a whole. I cannot tell you anymore, because that would just spoil the fun for you. Instead, you need to see CANDY APPLE RED for yourself! For info on upcoming screenings of CANDY APPLE RED and other Todd Norris Films check out his VIMEO page.

Nerdy, snarky horror lover with a campy undertone. Goonies never say die.