General News
People’s Panties In A Bunch Over Kevin Smith’s RED STATE Distribution
It’s about to get snarky in here!
If you are a twitter fan, like I am, one person you may like to pay close attention to is Kevin Smith. Kevin Smith has changed the way he he is going about presenting his newest film RED STATE to the public, and most people are not happy about it. Smith stated that he had planned “to pick my distributor in the room – auction style” for RED STATE and the public, as well as media ran with it, saying that he was going to auction off the film. Smith kept his word.
At last night’s screening of RED STATE, and according to plan Kevin Smith stated that he sold the movie to himself for $20 and that he would be taking the film on the road. His theory behind this… older films. Films use to open in one city at a time, almost like an event rather than the widespread releases of today. He will start with Radio City Music Hall on March 5th and eventually leading the film into theaters on October 19th, which any Smith fan knows to be the anniversary of CLERKS’.
So why all the commotion? According to MOVIELINE Smith called out the movie studios as thieves and said that he would not be doing any press for the film.
Want my opinion? HE IS A GENIUS!
First off, Kevin Smith, or anyone has the rights to his or her own creative projects/creativity. If you are even the slightest it creative, you understand the attachment to your creations, and I believe that you should have the rights to do whatever you want with your work. Movie studios have the right to be upset at his statement, but that is because they are directly involved in the comment. I am not here to tell anyone how to feel. A person is going to feel whatever they feel. So, that is your own thing and this chick is going to stay out of that one,
As for all you crazy, fun-loving bloggers out there… I know you had your hearts set on getting an interview with Smith, or to get the scoop on this, but if he wants to keep this film private and doesn’t want it overly saturated in the press, then that is his prerogative. Sure, I would love to sit down with Smith and pick his brain over root beer floats (He does like root beer floats right? Oh, wait… that is a stupid question… root beer floats are delicious!) but if he wants to keep this to a few SMOGCASTS and to his twitter, that is his decision. Heck, if you really want to know what is going on FOLLOW HIM on twitter. He answers questions from fans all of the time!
Third, this man is smart! Congrats to everyone who is tweeting, blogging, facebooking, reporting, and talking to their friends hot mom about this… you have given this movie TEN TIMES MORE BUZZ than playing by the rules and participating in the standard junkets could ever do. You have now made people that have never seen a Kevin Smith movie interested in this film, whether that was your goal or not. (Applause and a high five to Smith for this one!)
The overall goal, and point of his message is simple… anyone who loves film can make a film. If you want it bad enough, you can go out there and show the world your creation regardless of studio backing. That is a pretty inspirational message to be honest.
Simply put, read both sides of the story… make up your own mind, and go after what you love. If you pour your time, effort and creativity into a project it is your decision what to do with it, and in the end… we are critics, and all boils down to nothing more than our opinion.
Follow Kevin Smith on Twitter HERE
Follow my loud mouth on Twitter HERE