
In Case You Missed It: CHILDREN OF INVENTION – We Are Movie Geeks

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CHILDREN OF INVENTION isn’t a stellar masterpiece of cinematic achievement, but it’s a great dramatic film about the harder edge of life akin to what many experience these days, with the economy and job market what it is.

While the story is of a Chinese mother, trying to raise her two children in America — which presents it’s significance near the end of the film —  the essence of the story remains the same… no matter how hard you work, no matter what you sacrifice, life sometimes still has a way of spitting in your face. However, as this story unfolds, we’re reminded that life also has a way of testing us and repaying us for our hardships in the most unexpected of ways and at the least expected moments.

Raymond finds himself caring for Tina, his little sister, while living illegally in a model home. Their single, naive mother Elaine splits her time between struggling as a real estate agent and getting snookered by one “business opportunity” scam after another. In what Elaine hopes is her big break, she puts all her energy and hopes into a multi-level marketing business, only to find out she’s risking everything she does have in the process.

Meanwhile, the quiet but inventive Raymond and more vocally present Tina take it upon themselves to make ends meet, however possible. CHILDREN OF INVENTION is as much a sweet, charming childhood adventure as it is a heartbreaking testament of how difficult being a single mother can be in the modern world.

CHILDREN OF INVENTION was an official selection in the 2009 Sundance Film Festival and is available on DVD and instant stream from Netflix, and at the time of this post, available for free viewing on Hulu, for a limited time.

Hopeless film enthusiast; reborn comic book geek; artist; collector; cookie connoisseur; curious to no end