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SLIFF 2010 Review: WELCOME
Review by Mike Gregory
The title of the powerful and provocative drama WELCOME is steeped in irony; apparently, the US isn’t the only country with immigration issues. Regardless, Philippe Lioret’s stark drama puts a face on
the issue, and it doesn’t matter that it takes place in France; the themes are still relevant.
Bilal (Firyat Ayverdi in a stunning debut) is a Kurdish teen who wishes to go to England to
marry his girlfriend from back home. After failing to cross the first time, he attempts to swim
the English channel with the help of a swim coach, Simon (Vincent Lindon).
The performances are superb and the characters are engaging and sympathetic, which is more
than can be said for many films (even serious dramas). As Bilal, Ayverdi is incredible. This
is the kind of performance that can really only be given by a novice performer, and that’s what
makes it so unique. Bilal is intelligent but naïve; he thinks the world is a lot simpler than it
actually is, and while this kind of character has been dealt with in the movies before, there’s
no sense of artifice in Ayverdi’s understated portrayal. Vincent Lindon gives an Oscar-worthy
performance as the swim coach (the chances that he will get any recognition are slim to none
because the film hasn’t been picked up for distribution as of yet by a studio). This is a man who
takes the huge risk of helping this refugee because after his divorce, he feels like he has nothing
to lose. The film wisely doesn’t explain what he gets out of it, however.
This is a truly remarkable film, but the narrative gets a little choppy at times. In high-end
dramas, it’s not uncommon to find a narrative that makes the mind fill in the blanks. It’s almost
always a stylistic choice, and when used effectively, it can enhance the material. However, there
are times in this film where it doesn’t work, and it pulls the viewer out of the story (however
briefly). Nevertheless, this is a film that is a must see for any serious filmgoer.
WELCOME will play during the 19th Annual Stella Artois St. Louis International Film Festival on Saturday, November 13th at 1:30 pm and Sunday, November 14th at 8:30 pm at the Plaza Frontenac Cinema.