
Win A Trip To The Premiere Of JACKASS 3D & Watch Weezer’s Music Video “Memories” – We Are Movie Geeks


Win A Trip To The Premiere Of JACKASS 3D & Watch Weezer’s Music Video “Memories”

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Which of you WAMG readers wants to see JACKASS 3D in Hollywood with the cast of JACKASS 3D?Just enter here for chance to win a chance from MTV to attend the premiere of JACKASS 3D in Hollywood, CA, on October 13th…One lucky winner and a guest will attend the JACKASS 3D movie premiere in L.A. and have a chance to meet the cast!

The Sweepstakes ends tomorrow September 15th at 9:59:59 AM (ET), So hop to it and click it here if you haven’t already.

While entering the contest, have a listen to Weezer’s music video from the film, “Memories.”

Here’s the latest clip that was shown during MTV’s Video Music Awards on Sunday evening.

From Paramount Pictures, JACKASS 3D will be in theaters on October 15, 2010. Find the movie on Facebook and Twitter.

Huge passion for film scores, lives for the Academy Awards, loves movie trailers. That is all.