
Review: SALT – We Are Movie Geeks


Review: SALT

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Ladies, get ready for an awesome action flick… Men, you too if you are a big Angelina Jolie fan!

Evelyn Salt is a CIA agent who is very good at her job. Her loyalty is put to the test when a Russian man enters the CIA offices claiming that a spy named Evelyn Salt will shoot the Russian President on United State soil, starting a war between the countries. When the officers lock her in a room for questioning, Salt breaks free and runs to find her husband. Is she innocent or is she really a Russian spy?

This movie is a lot of  fun! The action scenes are entertaining, and the storyline is interesting to watch. There are quite a few twists and turns that leave the audience guessing! The best way to describe it would be to compare it to an espionage book that is a real page turner. This movie plays out like  a fantastic book! Jolie has some crazy stunt moves that were extremely impressive! Liev Schreiber plays her coworker Ted Winters, who stands by her side, convinced that they have pegged the wrong person. Schreiber is always good in roles where he plays an officer or a villain. There is just something about him that makes him perfect for those type of roles.

This film was actually written for a male. Tom Cruise was approached to do this film, and when he turned it down they rewrote the part for a female. Enter Angelina Jolie! (Applause… Applause)

I did notice a trend when the film let out… The women all loved it, and the men simply thought it was ok. This is definitely a chick action movie! Probably because so many chicks have a little ‘lady wood’ going on for Ms. Jolie. Seriously, she might be the cause of why bisexuality became hip, because I know a ton of women with crushes on the pouty-lipped A-lister! The only bad thing I will say is that the wigs in this film were terrible! I do not want to watch a film and notice instantly that the character has a really bad wig on. Seriously, studio peeps, get better wigs!

I think the movie is a fun ride!

Overall Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

Nerdy, snarky horror lover with a campy undertone. Goonies never say die.