Who Wants to See IRON MAN 2 With the Movie Geeks?
The Summer movie season is upon us with a couple of dozen heavy hitters just waiting to blow your movie geek mind. Of course, we, here at We Are Movie Geeks, love you, and we want your Summer movie season to begin a few days early. That’s why we are giving away passes for a screening of IRON MAN 2 three days before the film’s release. The screening is at Chesterfield Galaxy 14 (yes, the Mega Screen) on Tuesday, May 4th at 7PM. Check below on how to get your passes.
First and foremost, this is a St. Louis screening. If you will not be in St. Louis on May 4th, please do not enter this contest.
Here’s all you have to do, and, be warned, we want real, “Iron Man” fans in on this one. The second IRON MAN film deals with Whiplash, Justin Hammer, Black Widow, and War Machine, but there are so many more lines of story any future, IRON MAN films can take. We want you to give us your best. Go back through your old “Iron Man” comics. I know your mother didn’t throw them ALL out. Give us your ideas for where a third film in the series could go. Throw these in the comments section below, and we’ll be picking the best for the tickets.
And, if you aren’t one of the lucky winners, be sure to check out IRON MAN 2 in theaters and IMAX on May 7th.