
TRON LEGACY Trailer Hits the Net – We Are Movie Geeks


TRON LEGACY Trailer Hits the Net

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Painful admission, I know, but, until recently, I haven’t been a part of the TRON LEGACY buzz.  I understood it.  The original, 1982 film is considered a classic by many, and is a part of that year that is forever remembered as the greatest year for sci-fi film.  But, I have never been a huge fan, and the thought of a sequel 28 years in the making didn’t peak my excitement meter.

Then, I went to see ALICE IN WONDERLAND in 3-D.  This trailer played in front of it, and I was immediately sold.  Everything about this trailer exudes cool, builds a sense of epic mystery, and dares to toy with the notion that this is going to be more than just a run-of-the-mill sequel to capitalize on a successful brand.

It’s an adjective I have been trying to use less and less of, but there is no getting around it with this TRON LEGACY trailer.  It is awesome.  From the amazing visual effects to the incredible music.  Hell, even Bruce Boxleitner pops up to give a little setup.  It is, for lack of a better word, the perfect trailer, and, dare I say, it builds more excitement for TRON LEGACY than the IRON MAN 2 trailer did for it.

But, don’t take my word for it.  Click on Bad Blake’s eyes, head over to and see for yourself.  Be sure to crank those speakers, too, because this is one to experience.

TRON LEGACY is set to hit theaters on December 17th.