
New TWILIGHT SAGA: ECLIPSE Poster Begins With a Choice – We Are Movie Geeks


New TWILIGHT SAGA: ECLIPSE Poster Begins With a Choice

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First there was the choice between Photoshop and Pixenate or any number of other programs one could use to airbrush a photo.  Then there was the choice as to how airbrushed Kristen Stewart should be.  Do we airbrush coherence back into the gaze she’s giving us, or do we just let her be herself?  Then there was the choice of how big to make the logo.  We don’t want to make it too huge so as to draw attention away from our beautiful cast and the wonderful airbrushing work that went into making them appear all but absolutely fake.

All of those choices culminated, and what we have remaining is the latest poster for THE TWILIGHT SAGA: ECLIPSE.

Check it out:

So many choices to come up with something so bland.

ECLIPSE hits theaters on June 30th.