
Who Wants to See SHUTTER ISLAND With the Movie Geeks? – We Are Movie Geeks


Who Wants to See SHUTTER ISLAND With the Movie Geeks?

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You love Martin Scorsese.  We all love Martin Scorsese.  That’s why we are all excited for his next film, SHUTTER ISLAND, which is hitting theaters a little later than some of us expected it to.  However, a lucky few of you will be able to see it a full three days prior to its February 19th release.  We have passes to give away to the screening at the Galaxy 14 Mega Screen on Tuesday, February 16th, at 7:00 PM

First and foremost,  this is a St. Louis screening.  If you will not be in St. Louis on February 9th, please do not enter this contest.

All you have to do is shoot us a comment in the section below explaining your favorite Scorsese/Leonardo DiCaprio collaboration and why.  We want some good reasons here, as we only have a limited amount of passes to hand out.  Saying DiCaprio is hot isn’t reason enough to love his work.  We all know he’s hot, okay?  We’ve all come to terms with that.  What we are looking for is something a little more illustrative.  We’ll be picking the winners this weekend, so get a move on.

And, if you’re not one of the lucky winners, be sure to check out SHUTTER ISLAND when it hits theaters on February 19th.