BLACK HOLE Director Drops the “R” Bomb
The sound of the word “reimagining” gets my blood boiling. It makes me wish that I, like Maximilian from 1979’s THE BLACK HOLE, had propeller blades on my shoulders so I could give all the “reimagining” directors in Hollywood a big, firm hug. Director Joseph Kosinski, who a lot of movie geeks are loving these days thanks to the potential of his upcoming TRON LEGACY, dropped the “reimagining” bomb as he spoke with MTV.
Here is the exact quote:
It won’t be a sequel like TRON. This one will be a reimagining (*shudder*). For me, it would be taking ideas and iconic elements that struck me as timeless and cool and preserving them while weaving a new story around them that’s a little more 2001.
Kosinski also divulged CLASH OF THE TITANS screenwriter Travis Beacham would be working on the script for the BLACK HOLE reboot.
We’ve got a really strong idea and concept for the film. The title alone has tremendous amount of potential. We’ve got a really talented writer on it named Travis Beecham. We’re just getting started on the script in the next few months.
Well, as long as they’ve brought someone on board who clearly has some original ideas he needs to get down on paper.
Kosinski also had a little to say about the original film’s more iconic scenes and which of those we are to expect to see in this reimagining.
I saw BLACK HOLE as a little kid. What sticks out most is the robot Maximilian. The blades and the vicious killing of Anthony Perkins. That freaked me out and that’s definitely going to be an element that will be preserved. The design of the Cygnus ship is one of the most iconic spaceships ever put to film.
From a conceptual point of view, we know so much more about black holes now, the crazy things that go on as you approach them due to the intense gravitational pull and the effects on time and space. All that could provide us with some really cool film if we embrace it in a hard science way.
Aw, finally. Actual science catches up with THE BLACK HOLE storyline. I knew there was a good reason for the to remake this movie. It couldn’t be that the original film isn’t a remembered classic. It is. But, hey, as long as this new BLACK HOLE comes at us in 3-D, I’ll be a happy camper. Insert sarcasm here.
By the way, that rumbling sound you hear is Gary Nelson’s directing career spinning in its grave like its on a rotisserie.