
Producer Talks Up GHOST RIDER Sequel – We Are Movie Geeks


Producer Talks Up GHOST RIDER Sequel

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Start your weekend right.  The SPIRIT OF VENGEANCE is coming.  At least, that is what producer Mike De Luca had to say to Collider regarding that GHOST RIDER sequel that’s been threatening us for the last, few years.  According to De Luca, pre-production is moving along swimmingly, it takes an outline written by David Goyer from his 2001 script, and it incorporates a new idea Nicolas Cage had for the character.

Good thing, too.  I was beginning to wonder if Cage and his incredibly CGed abs would be returning at all.

Two key players in the first GHOST RIDER film will not be returning, though.  That is director Mark Steven Johnson and Eva Mendes, who played the role of Roxanne Simpson.  No word on whether the character is being totally written out or just recast.

Here are a few more items De Luca had to drop regarding the film.  It will be called GHOST RIDER: SPIRIT OF VENGEANCE.  It will be a hard PG-13, a phrase I never thought I would find myself writing let alone be able to read aloud without bursting into cynical laughter.  The sequel will be taking place in Europe, and David Goyer is a candidate to direct dependent on his schedule.

De Luca also says the new film will be like “pushing the reset button” on the franchise, so that explains where that pesky “2” went in the title.  De Luca says whether the 2 actually goes is up to Sony, but you know as long as the film has the GHOST RIDER title in there, they’ll be satisfied with a half-assed subtitle.  Here is where I would pitch a fit about De Luca claiming the film could, potentially be filmed in 3-D, but, to his credit, Collider was the one who broached that subject, and it seemed like De Luca was just covering all bases.

So, there you have it.  GHOST RIDER: SPIRIT OF VENGEANCE could be shooting at some point this year, it seems Nic Cage will be in front of the camera, and David Goyer could, potentially, be behind it…and it is aiming at a “hard PG-13”.  Sorry, just thought you and I both needed a good laugh for our early morning.