
Passes Galore! TOOTH FAIRY, CRAZY HEART, LEGION – We Are Movie Geeks



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We have got free passes coming out our ears here at We Are Movie Geeks, and what else are we going to do with all of these passes other than pass them out to you, our loyal readers?  But, first, we need for you to make a choice between these three, upcoming movies.

Do you want to see The Rock pulling teeth and getting into PG-rated hijinks in THE TOOTH FAIRY?  Do you want to hear Jeff Bridges croon his way to a potential Oscar nomination in CRAZY HEART?  Would you rather see angels battle it out for the planet’s soul in LEGION?  All you have to do is provide a comment in the section below with the title of the movie you want to see.

Here are the rules, though.  Seeing as how all three of these movies play at the same time (7:oo PM this coming Thursday night), you can only enter for one.  Also, since these screening are strictly St. Louis based, you have to be local in order to attend.  Of course, you could always be road tripping from out of town to see Paul Bettany arm himself with a pair of wings and an Uzi, but that’s your business.

Leave those comments below.  Winners will be notified with address requests on where to send the passes early in the week.  And, if you’re not one of the lucky winners, you can see all of these movies, THE TOOTH FAIRY, CRAZY HEART, and LEGION when they hit theaters this Friday, the 22nd.