
MACGRUBER Red-Band Trailer Explodes – We Are Movie Geeks


MACGRUBER Red-Band Trailer Explodes

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The question of whether the 30-second MacGruber skits on SNL can translate to the big screen or not is one step closer, as Rogue Pictures released the trailer for MACGRUBER today.   My money is betting on “No,” and, after watching this trailer, which you can view right now over at Rogue’s official site, that “Yes” isn’t making itself any more evident.

The first half of this trailer is completely devoid of laughs, and then the red-band-ness of it all kicks in, and there are a couple of chuckles here and there.   It still isn’t selling it for me, and I couldn’t help but notice even with this being red-band there is still some obvious dubbing going on here.

What the f*@% is up with that?

Nevertheless, anything with Powers Boothe and Val Kilmer is win enough to get my hard-earned cash.

Here’s the official synopsis:

Only one American hero has earned the rank of Green Beret, Navy SEAL and Army Ranger.   Just one operative has been awarded 16 Purple Hearts, 3 Congressional Medals of Honor and 7 Presidential Medals of Bravery.   And only one guy is man enough to still sport a mullet.   In 2010, Will Forte brings Saturday Night Live’s clueless soldier of fortune to the big screen in the action comedy of MACGRUBER.

Check out these official stills:

MACGRUBER hits theaters on April 23rd.