
ROBIN HOOD Poster Takes Aim – We Are Movie Geeks


ROBIN HOOD Poster Takes Aim

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What with it being right smack in the middle between Christmas and New Years and the news week being what it is, we figured it was time to cover some items over the last couple of weeks to play a little catch up.

First up is this cool poster for Ridley Scott’s GLADIATOR WITH ARROWS ROBIN HOOD.  Okay, that little joke is sure to bring out some ire in people who are looking forward to this, but don’t let it fool you.  There’s nothing wrong with Scott and Russell Crowe trying to recapture what they bottled with GLADIATOR, a bad-ass, big budget epic with a truly iconic lead character.  Here’s just hoping they can do the same thing with a character we’ve seen hundreds of times before.

This poster comes to us from the UK peeps at HeyUGuys.  With the hair, the beard, and that stare that just shrieks “I’m going to rip out your eye and show it to you,” this thing is GLADIATOR through and through.

Check it out:

ROBIN HOOD hits theaters on May 14th, 2010.