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KICK-ASS Hit Girl RED BAND Clip/Trailer Thing!
The more I see of KICK-ASS (coming this April from Matthew Vaugh), the better this flick looks! The film screen last weekend at AICN‘s BUTT-NUMB-ATHON (to celebrate the birthday of EIC Harry Knowles) and the reception was phenomenal. Devin Faraci from CHUD even hailed it as “the single best Western action film [he’s] seen in decades” and that is enough for me to see this film the first chance I get!
What we got today, was a new RED BAND trailer/clip featuring the young Hit Girl (apparently played wonderfully by Chloe Moretz) in which we get a glimpse of the joyous visceral action that she is involved in. Her father in the film, Big Daddy (played by Nicolas Cage) has trained her to be an assasin and “kill the bad guys.” If this is what we are looking forward to, then count me 150% in!!
Thanks to Empire for providing the embedded clip! Check it out and leave your thoughts in the comments field!
Source: /Film