
First Official Stills From THE KARATE KID Remake – We Are Movie Geeks

Family Flicks

First Official Stills From THE KARATE KID Remake

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You know, when I first heard there was a remake of THE KARATE KID being developed starring Jaden Smith (no longer just Will Smith’s son, folks) and Jackie Chan, I never thought in a million years I would be saying this, but, “Thank God!”   I only say that in reference to the fact that this is, actually, called THE KARATE KID and not THE KUNG-FU KID as was previously rumored…heavily, I might add.

That’s about all about this film that will make me make that exclamation.   Every other facet involving this needless and silly remake can take a flying leap.   Smith’s character isn’t named Daniel.   Chan’s character isn’t named Mr. Miyagi.   The film is China-based, not Japan by way of Reseda.   I swear, if there is nary a reference to anyone sweeping the leg, I’m walking out of the theater.

Until then, we can sit back and gaze upon these first, official stills from the film.   They come to us courtesy of Columbia Pictures and People Magazine, and thanks to /Film for giving us the heads up.

Check ’em out right here:

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THE KARATE KID is set for release on June 11th, 2010.