
Bryan Singer Sheds Some FIRST CLASS Light on the New X-MEN – We Are Movie Geeks

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Bryan Singer Sheds Some FIRST CLASS Light on the New X-MEN

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bryan singer xmen

Just yesterday, we brought you word that Bryan Singer, the man who initially brought the X-MEN story to feature film life, is coming back to the franchise for X-MEN: FIRST CLASS.   Today, with the official word coming from Variety, some details on what the new film is going to be about emerge.

This is the formative years of Xavier and Magneto, and the formation of the school and where there relationship took a wrong turn.   There is a romantic element, and some of the mutants from X-MEN will figure into the plot, though I don’t want to say which ones. There will be a lot of new mutants and a great villain.

Singer went on to tell Variety that Xavier and Magneto would be in their 20’s in the film, it would be like Abrams’ STAR TREK in tone, and he wanted to come up with a story that would stand on its own.   There has been no word on whether new actors will be portraying the leads or if Singer will utilize the same style of aging special effects Brett Ratner used in the third X-MEN movie.

Whether it’s BATMAN, LORD OF THE RINGS, or STAR TREK, if the characters are good, you want to see them on their journey even if you know their destiny.   I put myself in the fan’s position, and I think this story is something I would want to see, and so will they.

While X-MEN: FIRST CLASS won’t be Singer’s next film, he hasn’t officially signed on to direct JACK THE GIANT KILLER for New Line.   He is also attached to helm a BATTLESTAR GALACTICA feature film.