2009 in Pictures
From the start, the 2009 forecast seemed a little CLOUDY WITH A CHANCE OF MEATBALLS, but when AMELIA took us flying UP IN THE AIR, past the blinding WHITEOUT, we could see A NEW MOON. A BRIGHT STAR rose above the horizon of the RED CLIFF and we found ourselves on THE ROAD to some PRECIOUS moments in film. Those INGLOURIOUS BASTERDS saved us from the claws of WOLVERINE…he even tried to DRAG ME TO HELL! The night WATCHMEN kept a close eye on us as we spent a second NIGHT IN THE MUSEUM, saw the DAWN OF THE DINOSAURS, and another ICE AGE. We became ASTRO BOY, rocketed off to PLANET 51, and witnessed the epic MONSTERS vs. ALIENS battle. Some were slyly introduced to THE FANTASTIC MR. FOX, many cheered as both PONYO and CORALINE attempted to save their families and the world, and we sailed with Max “through night and day and in and out of weeks and almost over a year to WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE.”
Once the 500 DAYS OF SUMMER ended, we escaped the vast ZOMBIELAND of the theaters, but how would we explain THE HANGOVER we had from the long STAR TREK past the MOON? We were caught between THE INVENTION OF LYING and trapped inside THE HURT LOCKER. In 2009, Johnny Depp and his gang were made PUBLIC ENEMIES and Russell Crowe found himself in a STATE OF PLAY. We liked that SHERLOCK HOLMES was not A SERIOUS MAN, but rejected that JENNIFER’S BODY was filled with A CRAZY, INKHEART. Holmes certainly would have found the NINE clues in DISTRICT 9 including THE LOVELY BONES of the doll 9.
We were scared by all THE PARANORMAL ACTIVITY at the box office when The FALLEN sought his REVENGE as TRANSFORMERS 2 became the top-grossing movie of 2009. Hoping that he would think outside THE BOX, we saw no SALVATION from McG’s TERMINATOR and KNOWING that 2012 would be the end of the world, a plethora of FUNNY PEOPLE went in droves to another Emmerich apocalyptic film. Sadly the King of Pop, Michael Jackson, gave us one last brilliant performance and told the world THIS IS IT.
Once again, Clint Eastwood declared, “I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul,” with his INVICTUS and this time, James Cameron became “king of a brave new world” and amazed us with AVATAR. HARRY POTTER AND THE HALF-BLOOD PRINCE crowned A YOUNG VICTORIA, COCO FOR CHANEL dressed A SINGLE MAN, JULIE & JULIA cooked UP a feast, and THE INFORMANT was needed to rat out BRUNO. On the gossip front, did I mention what happened between ME AND ORSON WELLES? No? Or DID YOU HEAR ABOUT THE MORGANS? Really? Neither did we.
With many A CHRISTMAS CAROLing finished and a new YEAR ONE around the corner, AWAY WE GO with a video from Zack Young on “2009: At The Movies.” Love em or hate em, 2009 was certainly AN EDUCATION.
Source: ThompsonOnHollywood