
WOLFMAN Even Scary in Thailand – We Are Movie Geeks

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WOLFMAN Even Scary in Thailand

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wolfman thailand poster

I don’t speak Thai, nor do I have the ability to read something in Thai.   The website JEDIYUTH has the poster for THE WOLFMAN you see above along with a paragraph of crazy squiggles.   I believe it roughly translates to, “My God.   My God.   Look at how bad-ass that giant wolfman is.   I really hope that’s the work of Rick Baker and not CG.”

Actually, I don’t think it says that at all.   I’m pretty sure Rick Baker translates to Rick Baker in Thai, and I don’t see his name on the site any where.   Nonetheless, this poster is pretty sweet, and it almost, ALMOST, makes me wish I knew how to read Thai.

What amazes me even more is the date at the bottom of this poster.   December 2nd, 2010.   I’m assuming that is when the film’s planned release is for Thailand, and, if that is the case, the marketing for this film is hitting pretty early over there.

THE WOLFMAN hits American theaters on February 10th, 2010.