
Watch ‘Night of the Living Dead: Reanimated’ for FREE!! – We Are Movie Geeks


Watch ‘Night of the Living Dead: Reanimated’ for FREE!!

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Look.   I know what you are saying, but I have been following this project – and even almost contributed – and I think it is definitely better than remaking the film in 3D & capitalizing on a cult actor to carry your film.   Too Far?   Seriously, most of fiends know that with George A. Romero’s ‘Night of the Living Dead’ being in public domain, we usually see a negative side to that.   Whether it is public domain DVD’s transferred from video to the acceptability of remaking the film and not having to pay the rights to do so.   I do want to say I love Savini’s remake and that is an exception.   However, I am the believer of the arguement that if ‘Night of the Living Dead’ wasn’t in public domain it wouldn’t be as popular or as widely seen as it is today.

One of the coolest bits about this remake – if you want to call it that – is that it has been a collabrative effort.   Calling upon artists in the horror community to recreate scenes using different art mediums is a really cool thing.   For those of you that cannot see this at a film festival or nearby or for those that don’t want to take a chance and put down your hard earned cash to see this, Mike Schneider with Neoflux Productions is helping you out.

Until November 15th (SUNDAY! SUNDAY! SUNDAY!) you can watch this film online via the Facebook Comic-Con.   All the deets are down below via press release:

NOTLD:R Virtual Premiere
Night of the Living Dead: Reanimated ( NOTLD:R ), will be screening November 12-15th, 2009 as part of the Facebook Comic-Con (a free virtual convention occurring through the architecture of facebook). For this screening the event page (typically just used to announce the time and place of real world events) doubles as the venue and those ‘attending’ the event will be able to view the entire feature length project for free from the comfort of their own homes… well before it’s official release. The project is now live and will remain online until November 15th, at which time, it will be taken down thus ending the screening event.

(Note: It is recommended that anyone who has not seen the original ‘Night of the Living Dead’ watch it prior to seeing ‘Night of the Living Dead: Reanimated’ as some of the styles are rather abstract. )

Night of the Living Dead: Reanimated ( ) a video based art show. Artists, illustrators and animators from around the world were invited to select scenes from the original film and make them their own. With no restrictions on style, media or process the resulting works ranged from oil paintings to comic illustrations and sock puppets to digital animation. These works were then curated into a visual track of artwork and set to the audio of George A. Romero’s masterpiece, ‘Night of the Living Dead’.

NOTLD:R is not meant to replace the original film but rather to supplement your viewing experience by allowing you to see the film through the eyes and hands of these talented individuals.

NOTLD:R was a labor of love done by and for fans of the original film. It has not touched a penny during its production and will not be taking any money in profits from the work.

NOTLD:R is also a featured guest of the Facebook Comic-Con. At the Night of the Living Dead: Reanimated table (facebook group) you will be able to post comments, ask questions and interact with many of the international artists who contributed to this project.

Real world screenings and events will also be posted off of that page. If there is not yet a screening or event scheduled for your area, have your local independent (or non-profit) theater, gallery, museum, or organization email and we will work with them to arrange an event in your area.

Following this project, Neoflux Productions is turning a similar approach to creating animated/ illustrated visual tracks to be paired with old time horror radio dramas. With ‘Unseen Horror’ we will be turning the theater of the mind into a gallery. If you would be interested in participating email for details.


Night of the Living Dead: Reanimated Poster

I is movie geek. Hear me rawr. Ok, time for the professional speak. I have always been a movie geek. For serious. My dad fed me on a healthy diet of Blade Runner & Clockwork Orange. My mother introduced me to horror & psychological thrillers like Rosemary's Baby & Robert Wise's The Haunting. These mere morsels of celluoid only whet my appetite. During my teenage years, you could find me searching for the next Full Moon pictures joint on the old VHS shelves. I dug through the archives of backwoods slashers of the 80's and ate spaghetti with the Italian maestros by the flavors of Bava, Argento & Fulci. Now, I have reached the lower realms of depravity by thinking that Cannibal Holocaust is required viewing & running a weekly podcast, DESTROY THE BRAIN!, covering horror & genre film. Hmmm, I'm going to stop while I'm ahead. Favorite Films: Halloween (1978), La Haine, Vertigo, Rosemary's Baby, Fight Club, Nightmare on Elm Street, Kidnapped (Rabid Dogs), The Blair Witch Project..and the list just keeps growing.