
Here’s the Wolfie WOLFMAN Poster – We Are Movie Geeks

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Here’s the Wolfie WOLFMAN Poster

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While it does offer 100% more Mr. Title Character than the one seen earlier, this new WOLFMAN poster, courtesy of Ain’t It Cool News, does give us just the right amount of Rick Baker’s new baby boy.  Judging by the usage of shadows and tones we’ve been seeing coming out of this film, I can’t wait to see what Joe Johnston has in store for the finished product.  Let’s just hope all this wait has been worth it.

Check out the full poster right here:

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I can’t help but wonder about the backwards marketing that is going on with this film, though.  Our earliest posters from the film features, you know, the ones from May of 2008, showed the hairy Lawrence Talbot in full color.  Now that the film has been pushed back so many times, the marketing is going for more secrecy, showing the Wolfman in shadow and full closeup on the eyes.  By the time the film comes out, who knows what this character will look like.

We’ll all find out, though, when the film finally sees its release on February 12th, 2010.  Unless, of course, it gets pushed back again, which is always a possibility.