
UPDATED: Green Light Means Go for DEATH RACE: FRANKENSTEIN LIVES – We Are Movie Geeks



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death race

There were reports back in August that a prequel to Paul W. S. Anderson’s 2008 action remake DEATH RACE was in the works.  At that time, all that was known was that a screenwriter, Tony Giglio, had been set to the task, and the film would follow the origins of Frankenstein and those of the Death Race itself.  Now, thanks to Shock Till You Drop, comes word that not only has Universal given the film the green light, it plans to shoot it next year with a possible DVD release to follow.

Of course, with the film getting the DVD treatment instead of a full-fledged, theatrical push, this means Anderson is probably not going to be returning other than as a producer (probably executive, at that).  The chances of seeing Jason Statham return were slim, anyway, seeing as how this story has nothing to do with his character.  I’m guessing Warden Hennessey and Coach will be in the new film, though neither Joan Allen nor Ian McShane are likely to appear.  Shame, since Allen delivered the best line of the film with perfect, straight-face accuracy.  I won’t repeat it, since this is a family site.

Producer Jeremy Bolt, who works with Anderson on most of his projects, says they are considering actors to step into the Frankestein role and that the new film will have a considerably smaller budget than the original.  Expect less explosions this time around.


No more did I hit the publish button than I went over to AICN and noticed a link to Spoiler TV.  There, we find a casting call for various characters in the film, which, according to this, is called DEATH RACE: FRANKENSTEIN LIVES.

Here is that casting call which gives us a handful of the new characters we are going to see:


Exec. Producers: Paul W.S. Anderson, Jeremy Bolt
Producer: Mike Elliott
Writer: Tony Giglio
Start Date: Feb. 22, 2010

Newly arrived at Terminal Island, a prison for the most nonredeemable of convicts, CARL “LUKE” LUCAS must prove his mettle in a race to the death…

In his 20s-30, American, European, British, Australian, Latino, etc., handsome and confident, with a hint of danger, Lucas has been in trouble since the age of 12. Right-hand man to a notorious mobster for twelve years, he is sent away for life
after killing a cop in the course of robbing a bank. Offered a deal by the DA if he turns state’s evidence, Lucas opts to take his chances behind bars, where he soon captures the attention of a violence-peddling television producer. Possessed of some serious driving skills, assertive, strong, and charismatic, Lucas is a natural fit for the ultimate test, aka, the “Death Race.”…LEAD (2) STAR NAMES PREFERRED – ANY NATIONALITY, ANY ETHNICITY

In her 20s – early 30s, a model turned journalist, September is is “insatiably ambitious and eye-poppingly gorgeous,” a woman who knows how to use what she’s got to get what she wants. She’s callous and self-serving, dressed provocatively, with the soul of an ice-pick, but the brains to know how to market violence to the masses. When ratings for her gladiator-style television show begin plummeting, September is quick to come up with the “Death Race” concept, thrilled by its stunning success sptv050769…LEAD (2) STAR NAMES PREFERRED – ANY NATIONALITY, ANY ETHNICITY

In her 20s – early 30s, and sexy, she is a card girl for the fight matches, later a navigator when the prisoners are forced to test their driving skills. Intelligent (valedictorian of her high school class), decent, with a good heart, Case landed in prison after killing her abusive cop husband. Quick to come to the aide of girl in peril or help Lucas outwit an adversary, she’s a courageous, admirable young woman. Teamed with Lucas for a death race, the chemistry soon heats up between the two…LEAD (16) STAR NAMES PREFERRED – ANY NATIONALITY, ANY ETHNICITY

In his 30s – 60, American or foreign, bold, opulent and self-indulgent, the CEO and Founder of the Weyland Corporation, he is a opportunist at best, a man who makes millions on the backs of others. Clearly not immune to September’s come-hither charm, he agrees to produce a televised gladiator-style series of fighting matches, later disappointed by the ratings. However, he’s quite impressed when September’s idea for a race to the death has the viewers tuning in again…LEAD (11) STAR NAMES ONLY – ANY NATIONALITY, ANY ETHNICITY

In his 40s – 60s, Caucasian, African American, Latino, European, etc., he is the old school style warden at Terminal Island, the last stop for the country’s most unredeemable criminals. More comfortable around hoods and rapists than self-serving
broadcasting types, he butts heads with September, outraged by her willingness to glamorize society’s worst, disgusted by her insensitivity when lives are on the line. Eventually forced out of job by the Machiavellian September, he can’t help but feel vindicated when she gets her comeuppance…LEAD (2) STAR NAMES ONLY – ANY NATIONALITY,ANY ETHNICITY

In his 30s, African American, a steroid-enhanced mountain man, head of the United Blood Nation, the African American gang in Terminal Island…1 speech & 5 lines, 9 scenes (2) POSSIBLE CAMEO – FIGHTER, WRESTLER, BOXER OR WARLORD – MARTIAL ARTS A PLUS

In his 20s, Hispanic, he is an old friend of Lucas, happy to see him on the same work detail when the two land in Terminal Island Prison. An enthusiastic car mechanic, he refurbishes Lucas’ old Mustang, getting it into fighting form. Later, he’s saddened and angry when led to believe that one of his buddies has been responsible for Lucas’ death.sptv050769..LEAD (26)

In his 40s – 60s, American, Italian or European, he is head of the city’s most vicious organized crime syndicate, a “schizophrenic prone to wild mood swings.” He is a man you never want to cross…3 speeches & 1 line, 2 scenes (2) CAMEO – STAR NAMES ONLY

In his 40s, a wiry big city type, he’s working the auto shop on Terminal Island. Later part of Lucas’ pit team, he seems like a solid guy, loyal and hard-working. Later, we learn about how he had sabotaged Lucas’ car…2 speeches & 11 lines, 5 scenes (26) ANY NATIONALITY, ANY ETHNICITY

This prison infirmary doctor tends to a mortally wounded Lucas. Later, however, he explains how Lucas managed to survive the fiery crash…4 speeches & 5 lines, 2 scenes (83) POSSIBLE CAMEO – ANY NATIONALITY, ANY ETHNICITY

In his 20s, nicknamed “Lists” because he’s a font of information about almost any subject, quickly spewing lists of details. Convicted of matricide, he’s a newbie at the prison and obviously scared. He later teams up with Gunner, becoming part of Lucas’ pit crew…4 speeches, 6 scenes (12)

In his 30s, a mean and nasty Aussie, he is the leader of The Brotherhood, a collection of white supremacists in the prison…2 lines, 6 scenes (1) MARTIAL ARTS A PLUS

In his 30s, Latino, tatted, scarred and scary, he is the head of The Netas, an Hispanic prison gang…4 lines, 6 scenes (2) MARTIAL ARTS A PLUS

Named for his fourteen “kills,” Asian, in his 30s – 40s, a “combination of Bruce Lee and Genghis Khan,” he is the leader of The Triads, the most powerful Chinese gang on the planet (or at least in the prison).sptv050769..1 speech & 1 line, 6 scenes (2) MARTIAL ARTS REQUIRED

It appears filming is to commence in late February.