DISTRICT 13: ULTIMATUM’s Explosive New Poster
My God. Look at all those explosions. There’s the big one up front, there are two more in the background, and then there’s that one, little fella’ way off in the background hiding out just waiting to blow himself up. That’s a ton of explosions, especially when you consider it’s probably twice as many explosions than are found in the actual film.
In case you haven’t already caught my review for this film, then you might not realize my disappointment in the film, particularly when you consider how much I loved the first one. Whereas DISTRICT 13 was a stylish, slick, fast-paced action movie, its sequel is a clunky and oftentimes slow film trying to capitalize on something it’s not. The first movie is a ninja. This second movie is a punch-drunk boxer bouncing off the ropes.
Oh, well. At least this poster is explosive.
DISTRICT 13: ULTIMATUM hits video on demand on January 1, 2010 and finds its way into US theaters on February 5th.