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Your official invite to the WAMG Halloween Party 2009!
“OH MY HOLY CRAP, THE WAMG HALLOWEEN PARTY”…you wont get that quote yet, but you will after you see GENTLEMEN BRONCOS. Anyways, its that time of year again, the 2nd annual WAMG Halloween Party. This year we are doing it a little different, instead of having it at a huge bar where its stupid packed and I don’t get to watch all the hot girls up close don’t get to be more social, we have decided to host it at Matt and I’s humble abode.
So how do you get into this killer party you ask? Well, first off since you are a WAMG reader that means you are already invited. 2nd off, you MUST wear a costume. I know, super lame but its a costume party so they are sort of required. We are also asking that everyone is 21 or older since there will be large amounts of alcohol at this event. Yes we will be checking ID’s at the entrance. If you want all of the details all you have to do is ask! Email us (scott@wearemoviegeeks.com) if you want us to send you all the info.
Here is all the badassness you can expect from the party:
- Horror movies showing all night in the theater room.
- A Dance off between Myself and Brian throughout the night.
- Scott’s super special, super secret homemade punch.
- Incredible tunes for everyone to get their dance freak onto with.
- A Scavenger hunt.
- Door prizes.
- HUGE movie swag giveaways.
- Trivia.
- Prizes for SEXIEST and MOST EPIC costumes.
- So much fun you might not be able to do anything the rest of the weekend.
So what are you waiting for? Email me and get the location of this party before we are all full!