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Graphic Nature – WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2010
WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2010
PlayStation 2 (PS2), PlayStation 3 (PS3), PlayStation Portable (PSP), Wii, Nintendo DS, and Xbox 360
1-4 Player/ Online Play
Developer: Yuke’s
Publisher: THQ
ESRB Rating: T for Teen
Price: $59.99 (PS3 & Xbox 360), $49.99 (Wii), $39.99 (PS2 & PSP), $29.99 (DS)
The latest edition of the Smackdown series allows you to sit in the driver seat to all the story-lines within the WWE universe. Whether it’s your created Superstar or one of the many WWE wrestlers you are in control of their destiny.
Create This, Create That – WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2010 is very heavy on the creation side of things. From creating your own story angles to your dream matches, you can just about make anything possible. Some of the most in-depth creation within this game comes in the form of creating your own Superstar. From body type, features, designing your own logos and tattoos, to creating a special finisher just for your character will keep you occupied for hours alone.
Presentation – This is the first wrestling game I have played since Wrestlemania 2000 for the Nintendo 64. I was blown away by how smoothly everything flowed. From the movements of the wrestlers, ropes shaking when someone is slammed on the mate, to watching the crowed move and even camera flashes when big moves were executed nothing really seemed too slowed down or lag.
Character Models – Even in previous game clips and demos I played of older SmackDown vs. Raw games the character models never looked this detialed. You get the feeling that you are watching your favorite WWE Superstar in action. The designs on their clothing and even little things like tattoos and piercings are crisp and clear.
It’s An Online World – WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2010 allows you to share just about everything online. Superstars, created stories, and highlight reels can all be uploaded and viewed by the community. You can also see how you square off against people around the world in single, tag, and even Royal Rumble matches.
Middle Ground
Controls – The controls for this game are a little stiff. Most of the time they would be unresponsive or just doing whatever they wanted. Even after changing the battery in my controller I still had problems at random times. It was nothing major to affect the outcome of a match, but still pretty annoying.
Commentary – Just like any sports related game the commentary get’s old REAL fast. Let alone the fact that when I use to watch wrestling years ago I couldn’t stand Michael Cole and this game reminded me why.
Short Road To Wrestlemania – I know that you can go through the career option to gain a better experience, but I was kind of let down with how short the Road to Wrestlemania was. You can either go through one of the pre-created stories for wrestlers like Randy Orton, Mickie James, Triple H, Shawn Michaels, John Cena, or your created Superstar. Each one ending after your match at Wrestlemania.
Overall, WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2010 is one of the best wrestling games I have played. If you are a fan of this form of sports entertainment then I suggest you buy it because it will allow you to experience the WWE the way you want it. All the creation features alone make this a fun and entertaining experience for those who don’t even like wrestling. If you are looking for a weekend rental I suggest you pick this up because it will keep you busy creating characters and stories and is fun to play.
3.75 stars out of 5