Epic 3 1/2 Minute Trailer for AVATAR Hits in HD

Earlier today, we brought you a four-minute behind-the-scenes clip of AVATAR, and, during that, I let you know just how I felt about all of these bits and pieces of AVATAR hitting us every couple of days. Personally, I’d like to wait until the film’s release to see the whole 18-hour epic unfold all at once.
However, I know most of you out there can’t wait to get your greedy, little paws on the new trailer that hit theaters this past weekend. It’s 3 1/2 minutes long, it features a bit more of the story, and it really gives a sense of how epic this movie is going to be.
Check it out courtesy of Yahoo! Movies:
The film looks to tell quite an interesting story, even if its validity as an original piece has been called into question. It looks like it is going to be adventurous and highly entertaining, but I still question views that the film is going to “change the way we look at film.” There may be a chance of that if the 3-D found within is as good as the T2 3-D ride at Universal, something that we could very well be seeing once AVATAR hits on December 16th. If that is the case, it could open a whole new doorway to the world of 3-D film making, something I’m sure studios around the world are hoping and praying for.