
Bryan Singer Could Return for X-MEN 4 – We Are Movie Geeks

Comic Books

Bryan Singer Could Return for X-MEN 4

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bryan singer xmen

It doesn’t take a skilled critic of the  art form  of motion pictures to see the  drop off  that occurred between X2: X-MEN UNITED and X-MEN: THE LAST STAND.  Anyone who knows anything about the franchise realizes that drop off came at the absence of direction by one Bryan Singer.  Now, four years after leaving the franchise, the USUAL SUSPECTS and VALKYRIE filmmaker is talking return.

I’m still looking to possibly returning to the X-MEN franchise. I’ve been talking to Fox about it.

Singer spoke those words at the Pusan International Film Festival in South Korea.  The Hollywood Reporter picked up the story courtesy of the Associated Press.  Singer said he enjoys working in the genre of science fiction and fantasy, because the outrageous stories allow him to discuss social issues and the human condition.

While there are no set-in-stone plans for a fourth X-MEN film, the spin-off side of the story is close to taking off like gangbusters.  A second WOLVERINE film has been green-lit, David Goyer is still set to direct a MAGNETO film, Ryan Reynolds is set to star in a DEADPOOL film, and THE NEW MUTANTS is also on tap for pre-production.