General News
Bring PARANORMAL ACTIVITY to St. Louis by Next Weekend!
St. Louis!
This is a call to all in the area. I need over 800 of you to go to Eventful and demand that Paramount bring what is being called as “The Scariest Movie of the Decade” to St. Louis! It is selling out shows everywhere it plays.
If St. Louis makes it in the “Next 10” section on by Monday, we will have it playing at a theatre near us. Then we can rub it in Jeremy’s face since he is driving to Chicago tomorrow to go see it.
I think we can do it. The number 10 city is Cincinnati (which will probably change) with 1,791 demands. St. Louis has 1,188 Demands. I think if we get 1,000 people to demand it by Monday – a task that will be pretty tough – we will have an awesome chance of seeing this thing locally. This weekend, tell all your friends. Have them demand it on their computers with you watching and holding a gun to their head. Let’s show that St. Louis is a great movie geek town and since it is October, we need a scary movie.
Check out Nick’s review of the film and a video recorded at Fantastic Fest with Kent.
Feel free to use the widget below to vote for St. Louis. You can only demand it once, so spread the word this weekend!