
New ‘Karate Kid’ Logo Says It All – We Are Movie Geeks


New ‘Karate Kid’ Logo Says It All

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the karate kid logo

The shots that came out a few days ago showing Jackie Chan and Jaden Smith on the set of ‘The Kung Fu Kid’ ‘The Karate Kid’ must have had the studio reeling, as it was all over the place as to what people were even calling the movie.  They quickly released this logo, indicating and stamping it in the annals of filmmaking history that, indeed, the film is going to be called ‘The Karate Kid.’  Thanks to the boys over at /Film for bringing this to our attention.

This doesn’t surprise me, considering the whole idea behind this project was to capitalize on the branding of the classic ’80s film.  Renaming it ‘The Kung Fu Kid’ would have put the story on a different plain of existence altogether.  It doesn’t make the idea of the film any more or less  likable  in my eyes.  It was put together solely to cash in on a name, and, whatever they decide to call it, that’s all it is.

‘The Karate Kid’ is set to chop the dollars from our wallets on June 11th, 2010.